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коренной житель
Van Doren
17.01.19 00:59  Re: Кето и диабет
в ответ Van Doren 15.01.19 04:04

27:30 utter bullshit about insulin. Low insulin ≠ longevity or health. Low insulin is actually A PROBLEM! It's about how insulin and glucagon regulates lipoprotein lipase, which hydrolyses triglycerides from chylomicrons and VLDL. Insulin upregulates lipoprotein lipase in adipose tissue and down-regulates it in muscles. Glucagon and epinephrine do the opposite. That's why in normal state most dietary fat goes into fat cells. But in ketosis insulin is low and glucagon is high. So what happens? Muscle cells are overloaded with fatty acids, and fatty acids are lipotoxic. That deactivates AMPK, insulin sensitivity goes down, autophagy goes down, mitochondrial biogenesis goes down, cell ages more quickly. So, don't tell me bullshit about insulin, which you don't even understand! I see no reason to listen farther.

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