коренной житель
Van Doren
19.03.19 19:43 neu Кетогенщики против здравого смысла - дебаты у Джо Рогана!
коренной житель
Van Doren
20.03.19 07:45 neu Re: Кетогенщики против здравого смысла - дебаты у Джо Рогана!
in Antwort Van Doren 19.03.19 19:43

It's sad how many idiots attack Stephan in comments just because they don't like his message, which is clearly winning.

коренной житель
Van Doren
20.03.19 09:38  Re: Кетогенщики против здравого смысла - дебаты у Джо Рогана!
in Antwort Van Doren 20.03.19 07:45

Ketotards don't even know anymore what does it mean to be rude - Stephan always asked for permission to interrupt and listened without interruptions otherwise. He insisted to not be interrupted, which is absolutely normal for a civil debate. Gary was the interrupting one. Stephan the polite one. And now keto-morons are out in full force claiming that Stephan was the rude dick... Idiots.

коренной житель
Van Doren
20.03.19 09:41 neu Re: Кетогенщики против здравого смысла - дебаты у Джо Рогана!
in Antwort Van Doren 19.03.19 19:43

Anyway, Is there a state of insufficient lipolysis and too low serum FA? Nope. Myocytes do happily burn mostly fat at rest. Do adipocytes cycle FA in and out all the time? Yes, they do. Case closed.

Also, where does dietary fat go? Into chylomicrons. How do you get fat out of chylomicrons? Via lipoprotein lipase. Where is LPL expressed? Primarily in fat tissue. The whole 'fat storage' debate is futile - it's always stored.
