There are several different types of rolling mills, each designed for a specific jewelry-making task. Common rollers include flat rollers, wire rollers, and combination rollers.
What are the essential features of a Jewelry rolling mill?
There are many different types of jewelry rolling mill machine available on the market, each with its own unique features and capabilities. When choosing a rolling mill for jewelry making, it’s important to consider the type of metal you’ll be working with as well as the desired output. Some of the key features to look for in a rolling mill include:
The ability to roll thin metal sheets: This is important for creating delicate jewelry designs. The rolling mill I will present in this article can press as slim as 0.03mm, ideal for delicate jewelry pieces.
Adjustable rollers: This allows you to change the thickness of the metal sheets being rolled. Most if not all rolling mills will have this functionality.
Gears: Gears help to ensure a consistent, even roll. It is important to choose a good gear ratio so that you don’t struggle while trying to press very hard metals such as gold. 1:5 / 1:6 gear ratio is ideal. This is not something you’ll have to worry about if you decide to go with a premium electric model.
A sturdy frame: A rolling mill can be pretty heavy, so a sturdy frame is essential to prevent it from moving around or tipping over. In most cases, we all try to get light jewelry tools so that they’re easy to work with. For a rolling mill, it is pretty much the exact opposite. Without going off the chart with the weight I suggest choosing a machine of no less than 40lbs.
See more:https://www.jewelerstoolsmall.com/Jewelry-Engraving-Machin...

Gemstones are precious and beautiful and therefore they are expensive. There are over 200 varieties of gemstones available in the market. It is important to examine them carefully before wearing them. The market is flooded with many duplicate gemstones which simulates genuine gemstone. It is impossible to judge them with unaided eyes.
Polariscope Strain Viewer is a device in gemology to test gems minerals with single refraction, double refraction, Poly-crystalline material. The Polariscope as the name suggests Polar-Scope shows that a method to see the gemstone from poles or axis using the scope.
A Polariscope constitutes two lenses. One is on the top side known as Analyser. The other being at the bottom known as Polariser. There is a tinted plate above the Polariser. Stone is put on the Polariser and analyse through Analyser. Tint plate is used to rotate so that gems can be viewed by 360 degrees.
Why it works: As stated above, the polariscope works by transmitting plane polarized light into a gemstone. When you turn both of the polaroid plates to the dark position, a single refractive gemstone will not change the path of that light, and the stone will remain dark in all positions.
There is a lot of technical gemology that we do not have room to cover here regarding the polariscope and what it is actually telling you. But if you will take a few minutes and learn what it is saying, perhaps later we can spend more time and understand the why it is saying it.
Method to test the gems are:
Turn the analyser and verify if there is complete darkness
Keep the gem on the Polariser
Turn the tinted plate at 360 degrees
Keep a note of the light refraction spectrum on gems
Method to test for further confirmation is:
Turn the analyser and verify if there is complete darkness
Place the gem on the Polariser
Keep the gem in full light condition
Quickly turn the analyser one time and view the final condition of light on a gem.
More jewelry making tools such as calcite dichroscope at Jewelerstoolsmall .