коренной житель
18.10.12 15:32 neu нихрена се детектива!))))
мне вот ток интересно, почему мне такие шедевры исключительно на рабочее мыло приходят?)))
текст в комментах)
коренной житель
18.10.12 15:33 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Wild_thing 18.10.12 15:32
Dear Friend,

Pardon my intrusion; my name is Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara, presently I'm on active duty in Afghanistan.
Please, I have an obscured business proposal that will be of mutual benefit to both of us.

Few days ago, my colleagues and I intercepted a radical Taliban courier responsible for the transportation of huge amount of funds and on this unfortunate incident,
we rounded up a total of US$11,5 Million United States Dollars.
After detailed discussion with my platoon, we came to a conclusion that if the funds are handed over to the Afghan Police,
there is the possibility that the funds will be confiscated for their personal consumption. Therefore, it was my duty to find a partner whom will receive this fund for the benefit of us all.

With all due humility, I want you to be our partner in receiving this funds. The funds will be moved out of this country through a air cargo transport means and all you are required
to do is receive the funds and an account will be provided to you, which you will use in transferring our share.

Our word is our life, I personally assure you that this fund has been carefully contained and there is no need to worry about the source as we will not do anything that will
bring problems to you or traced back to us.

For your honest participation in this deal, we are ready to divide the funds into three equal parts, one third will be for you, one third will be sent to my Late Brother's young family,
details will be provided to you as time goes on. See link below to learn more about my family;
If you are willing, please do not hesitate to contact me with your
Full names:
phone number:
current residential address:
please send the above information to my private Email : if you are willing.
Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara
Kindergarten Cop
18.10.12 20:18  Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Wild_thing 18.10.12 15:33
а ты напиши ему что тебя зовут БОРТНИКОВ АЛЕКСАНДР ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ и телефон твой +7 (495) 224-22-22 а емаил:
пусть "лютенэт" поделиться талибскими "мульёнами" ))
коренной житель
18.10.12 23:43 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Arnie 18.10.12 20:18

не, ну кааааой сюжЭт!?)))) скажи?)))
сначала было банальное вы выйграли в лотто/ вам перепало наследство)) попозже появилась версия помочь организовать благотворительный фонд))
терь вот детектива! мир спасаем!))) интересно, что будет следующим?))
но больше всего мне интересно, а действительно есть те, кто на это ведётся?)))
06.11.12 11:46 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Wild_thing 18.10.12 15:32
Dear Sir/Ma,
We are direct and reliable local bush miner in Accra Ghana and we have
over 750 kilos of GOLD DUST presently ready for sale also I'll be very
delighted to work with you and your buyers. We are very ready to transact
with your buyers on both CIF and FOB basis and we can bring our gold dust
and bars to ASAP VASA in Accra Ghana for assay.
If you have any buyer presently, kindly send the buyers LOI so that we can
attend to it accordingly with procedure and other relevant details.
Feel very free to let me know every inch of an explanation you may need to
help us move forward without delay.
-Commodity: Aurium Utallium (AU) Gold Dust & Dore Bar.
-Capacity per month - 250kgs
-Origin: Ghana
-Purity: 95.6% Minimum
-Finesse: 22 carats Minimum
-Location: Accra, Ghana
-Packaging: Export package boxes.
I wait to hear from you very shortly as you respond.
Please indicate your interest so that we can discuss further details.
Thank you.
Mr John Dada.
коренной житель
14.11.12 01:04 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort lizard82 06.11.12 11:46

в копилочку))))
коренной житель
21.11.12 13:17 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Wild_thing 14.11.12 01:04
о! новая сокращённая версия
My Dear Friend,

I am contacting you as a matter of urgency about a huge transfer of (Gbp18,500,000.00) Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand British Pound Sterling. But I want to first transfer Gbp1,500.000.00 (One million Five hundred thousand Gbp) from this money into a safe account and after which we will transfer the remaining (17M) I have only written to seek for your indulgence and assistance. You will be providing a designated bank account of your choice.
It is an unequivocal fact that we've not met nor communicated before but due to the true revelation that I should share this with you.

My name is Mr. John Heidi, Director of integrated finance of a bank here in United Kingdom Thus for your indulgence and assistance (morally and financially), i propose a 45% share of the total amount to you after the transfer has been successfully effected, I need your urgent response on assurance of trust that you will not deny me my share once the fund is credited to your personal bank account as I am a poor civil servant who depends solely on monthly salary, so kindly state your interest by replying immediately and i shall furnish you with details and procedures preceding the transfer.

Mr. John Heidi.

21.11.12 15:13 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Wild_thing 21.11.12 13:17
Да, год, блес лучше этих сказочников.
коренной житель
21.11.12 20:08 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort lizard82 21.11.12 15:13
ээм)) что у тебя с клавой?))
первую часть предложения даже после двух раз не поняла)))
22.11.12 07:05 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Wild_thing 21.11.12 20:08
коренной житель
22.11.12 12:42 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort lizard82 22.11.12 07:05
аааааааа, не, ну я б не догадалась
я с немецким сравнивала, а про анлийский не подумала)))))
24.11.12 14:34 neu Re: нихрена се детектива!))))
in Antwort Wild_thing 22.11.12 12:42
Вот еще в коплилку.