- ... now. But I told her everything... So she knows how it ends.
Прокрастинация - страшная вещь. МНе надо рассылать бевербунги. Ну, прежде чем их вообще рассылать, надо сначала актуализировать, составить сопроводительное письмо, или банально заполнять анкеты на сайтах ... в голове бурлят фантазии на тему успешности моего предприятия .. в рельности я неспеша позавтракала, посмотрела одну серию The Following, почитала Германку, подавала умные советы, выложила нескольно клипов с ютуба ... ну понятноо, короче, бевербованием я еще не занималась ... клинит ... страшно? ... на самом деле в теории я кому угодно пошагово распишу Как Надо ... мда ... пойду еще чего-нибдь сЪем, второй завтрак как во Властелине Колец
Вчера прошла два теста. На русском и на английском. По результатам одного я состою в долгосрочных отношениях. По результатам другого я уже четыре года счастливо замужем. Хехе. Я четыре года уже сингл-леди. Хехе.
... все еще думаю ....
В Иране сегодня утром была казнена через повешение женщина, которую обвинили в убийстве бывшего сотрудника местных спецслужб.
В Интернете проводилась кампания в защиту 26-летней Рейхане Джаббари. Правозащитники, в том числе из ООН, полагают, что женщина, напавшая в 2007 году с ножом на работавшего в разведке Мортезу Абдолали Сарбанди, действовала в целях самообороны - после попытки мужчины её изнасиловать. Судебный процесс и приговор Джаббари правозащитники называют ошибочным.
О казни женщины сообщило иранское информагентство IRNA. Факт исполнение смертного приговора подтвердили в «Фейсбуке» члены общественной группы, выступавшие за освобождение осуждённой иранки.
Unsere haben auch noch keine Dauerfristverlängerung weil in Insolvenz.
Seit heute um 08:00 habe ich vor mit der nächsten Buchführung anzufangen,
aber es kommt immer wieder was dazwischen und unsere Buroleiterin nimmt mich ganz schon ran.
Ich koche langsam. Sie sieht auch nicht gerade glücklich aus.
Beide sind genervt, weil beide eigentlich was ganz anderes noch zu erledigen haben.
Als ich mich endlich, jetzt um 11:30 Uhr zum gefühlten 80. Mal an die selbe Buchführung mache - kommt sie wiedernin mein Zimmer rein
(bei mir hat sich schon ein Art Scheiß-Egal-Drauf-Schaffe-Ich-Eh-Nicht-Einstellung eingestellt) ..... und O_o reicht eine Tüte Quarkbällchen rüber.
Zitat "Nervennahrung". Und geht davon.
Jetzt schäme ich mich...
....die Quarkbällchen esse ich trotzdem
....oder gerade deswegen....
1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car? Think, before you continue reading.
This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first. Or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.
The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. She simply answered: "I would give the car keys to my old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams."
Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. Never forget to "Think Outside of the Box."
However, the correct answer is to run the old lady over and put her out of her misery, have sex with the perfect partner against the bus stop, then drive off with the old friend for some beers.
God, I just love happy endings.
Source: http://think-outside-the-box.pen.io/
2. Drive old Japanese cars. Easy and cheap to fix & they run for fucking ever.
3. Buy most of your groceries from the produce section. Most of that other shit is not actually food. You don’t need it.
4. Ride your bike instead of driving as much as you can. You need the exercise and gas is expensive.
5. Don’t have kids. They’re not miracles, they’re people. 7 billion is too fucking many. Find some other way to give your dull existence some meaning. BTW they’re expensive.
6. Get your clothes from thrift stores. With the physique you’ll have from riding your bike, you’ll look hot wearing anything.
7. Learn to fix things. Tons of great books and youtube vids on fixing anything. Or ask an old dude. People used to fix things. No shit.
8. Learn a trade – Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, auto mechanics, tailoring, computer/electronics repair, something They can’t fucking outsource. No one gives a shit about your Masters in Dostoyevsky or your high score on World of Warcraft…. fix something, dumbass, fix something!
9. If you like booze, drink at home with your neighbors. Drunk driving is for assholes, rich ones with lawyers.
10. Do people favors. It’s called Cooperation. It’s how the world worked before money. They will return the favor, or someone will. No shit. This really works.
11. Make things – Look around you. What do you see? Yah, shitty stuff made by impoverished enslaved people far away. Pick anything. Make a better one. People want good shit. You won’t get rich, but you’ll get by.
12. If you live in America – don’t get sick and avoid injury. Wear your fucking helmet and put lights on your bike.
13. Find work you love. If you can’t do that, then find a job where you love the people.
14. Junkies and addicts are like toddlers. They just want to shit all over you and everything. The messes they make can get expensive. Avoid them if you can.
15. Don’t buy shit on credit, remember what happened to America? Cash only, fuckers. Can’t afford it? Don’t fucking buy it!
16. Preventable expenses - STD’s, abortions, DWI’s, lung cancer, head injuries, speeding tickets, cirrhosis of the liver.
17. Don’t go on fancy dates if you’re not fancy. Most people kind of despise the rich anyway.
18. When you go see shows, bring a flask in. That way you can afford to buy a record.
19. If you had told me 15 years ago that Coca Cola would put tap water in plastic bottles and motherfuckers would BUY IT …… No fuckin way.
20. Don’t get cable. Asshole. There is nothing on. I promise. $100 a month ? Fuck no!
This list was edited by Stacey Yates with contributions from Jherek Bishoff, Chad Raines & Amanda Palmer. We live in a wasteful society. Live well. It don’t take much. Really.
Source: http://monofonuspress.com/how-to-live-like-a-king-for-very-little-by-thor-harris