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Van Doren
09.09.18 20:08  Is Sweden Socialist? No, but...

The glory days for Sweden economically took place prior to the 1960s, when they had a free economy, low regulation and lots of wealth. Between 1870 and 1950, Sweden had the highest per capita income growth in the world and became one of the richest countries, behind only Switzerland, the U.S., and Denmark.

In the 1960s, Sweden started to redistribute wealth, which brought wealth creation to a halt. By the mid-1990s, the country had growing economic problems because it continued to redistribute wealth it wasn’t creating. It was at this juncture that many of the wealthy (ABBA band members included) and entrepreneurs were leaving Sweden. In 1994, Sweden began implementing the following measures designed to reverse this trend:

  • Reduce Regulation
  • Reduce Government Spending
  • Reform their Welfare Programs
  • Shrink their Government

Sweden has continued on this path for the last 24 years, which has brought them a modest rate of growth, but not nearly as robust as pre-60s levels due to government taxation remaining high.

PS Госсектор составлял 71% шведской экономики на пике шведского "социализма". Тем не менее им удалось урезать госсектор до 49% - только это и спасло шведскую экономику...
