19.02.12 08:41
What was the stupidest thing you had to explain to someone?
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- I once had to explain for a good two hours that there isn't a seal around the earth keeping the air in and spaceships don't have to close anything behind them.
-My ex called me one afternoon, clearly in the middle of a panic attack, and told me that her mother had "deleted google". And she wasn't even joking. Her mom was in the living room crying, thinking she had "ruined the Internet for everyone". So I spent an hour on the phone explaining to the super-hacker the difference between a web page and a bookmark.
-When I was 10, I had to explain to my 18 year old half-brother that he had to have money in a bank account to back up what he wrote on checks. He thought a checkbook was a magical book of free money everyone got when they turned 18.
-I had to spend far too long trying to convince the HR person at my work that a sum of time adding up to 136 minutes was more than an hour and 36 minutes.
-During the paper shortage at my high school, one of my classmates suggested that we just photocopy a blank piece of paper and then we wouldn't have a shortage anymore. It took about 10 minutes to explain to her why this wouldn't work.

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