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02.11.07 14:41
Будда решил зохавать моск америкосов :)))
mokmor прохожий

This post was not written 4 my cameraden from the former USSR. What I'm longin' to narrate is strictly prescribed just for the whole rest of the god damn world. I need to tell you, who the fuck buddha is.

First. He is high, right here and right now. Headcutting stuff from Afghanistan is holding his hand. I guess this is a little stolen piece of nirvana. And I'm sure payback is inevitable (ахуеть, как мне удалось вспомнить это слово?!) as always. Back-fucking-door to paradise of emptiness. That's what he thinks. And he hopes, after these words had been said all the polite correct, socially active, politically educated, worldwide ignorant, confident about usa itself won WW II yankee-bad-mazafaka-doodles went fucking away.

Hey people, is there anyone left!?) I hope asians stay. I adore asians, especially little anime-like kawaii girls. Nevertheless chinese, korean and er taiwan ladies are kewl two.

Pity, that earth is so big and I'm not able to meet you every day.

Second. Personally, I'm not a racist. I hate all the races in equal measure. That's why it's so easy for me to love each other of you, despite of your nationality. One simple rule: you've gotta put your mind handbrake off. That's how I do. You are to do the same thing if you want to diffuse in yourselves what I say.

Third. I don't like myself. I don't like myself so much I wish I was born dead. But there is a little innocent hope that I'll throw away my skating boots [russian saying, means "to die"] soon enough in correspondence with natural way of things [tao].

Don't take me for chauvinistic pig, who I certainly am. I just want to make this shithole aka universe be a better place, or not to be at all.

Никогда не писали под ганжем по английски? Это улет) наверное я груб, но што, я че то не так говорю штоле?

 paramonoff, спасибо друк, что предложил мне зохавать моск америкосов. Я так давно уже не веселился.

Кто-то может подумает, что я неполиткорректное, мизантропичное, ксенофобское хуйло и расфрендит меня подобно моей дорогой, одной из любимых подруг дней моих суровых  my_iny. Мне очень жаль, but that's the way I am. 14 long years of fruitless search and voila - the truth is there no truth at all. Or should I say no truth beyond the consciousness.

Do you feel as if you've been offended? Don't do that, you haven't. I  want you to stop being a herd in your mind. Loose your artificial stereotypes of mass identity. There are no races, no color of skin, no states, no united states. All this above mentioned pile of crap doesn't and shouldn't steal our freeeeeeedooooom!!! Rofl.

Jesus, thank you for that weed you've sent me by your mercy. God bless my friends and the Academy for the chance to get so high once more.

Ну вот,  zzzetrix, а ты спрашивал, добрая ли будет трава.. Я засомневался, неудержался и попробовал. И посмотри до чего я дошел с 2х банок. Четвертый час летаю. А мой французский?) ты будешь смеяться, но я из того, что написал, половины слов не знаю. Наверное опять покатил бочку на страны первого мира? Иногда бывает случится приступ ненависти к этим потомкам выкидышей цивилизации и не отпускает, и тогда there are only two ways: eather women or vodka. And better have both simultaneously and a lot of. Though I'm not used to drinking.

That was the short overview on the subject and plot development (изготовление плотов) of this blog. 'twas very nice to see you... Oh, shame on me, almost forgot to mention the primary thing, mostly on the part of which I've started to post here: I haven't slept with a woman since january'07, with an exception of one amazing week. Seems like I'm a heavenly angel, a saint, so where are my stigmas then? Are they decorating my old, tho still dumb heart?

Шекспир сука отдыхает. Но некоторых слов я не то что не помню, а даже не знаю. Например что такое void или как будет сказать "ставни". С другой стороны, кому нужны эти сложности. That's the reason why I'd prefer to talk 'bout zen, tao or buddhism in english. My vocabulary is simple just enough to accordingly resonate with a simplicity of true nature. My russian is too complicated, weary and heavy-weight to express what I really feel. It's the exact case when the expressed substitutes the subject of expression.

Err.. What was I talking about? Never mind. Kylie Minogue had some insight when she was singing "you'll never get to heaven if you scared getting high". I believe that too.

Tomorrow morning I'm gonna use some meth for the day to run faster. And now I'm gonna sleep. 2 a.m. Time's up.

via  zen_buddha

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