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28.01.14 20:30
Northwest state medical university of a name of I.I.Mechnikova
Mikhail45 прохожий
Northwest state medical university of a name of I.I.Mechnikova
The SZGMU of I.I.Mechnikova (University) was formed in 2011 as a result of coalescence SPbMAPO and SPbGMA of I.I.Mechnikova for the purpose of 3 levels of preparation of doctors of various specialities.The 125-year-old history of the St.-Petersburg medical academy последипломного formations originates in the basis of the establishment first in Russia for improvement of doctors - Clinical institute of Grand duchess Elena Pavlovny, in 1896 received a title Imperial. The university incorporates 4 scientific research institutes on leading clinical specialities. The university possesses powerful clinic on 620 beds, laboratory and experimental branches. The university combines medical sociability of Russia. Forces of University frame publishing house.
The prof., the doctor of medical sciences of Otari Givievich Hurtsilava supervises over university.
Dermatovenerology chair the doctor of medical sciences Konstantin Igorevich Raznatovsky supervises over the prof. The basic scientific directions of chair - a dermatological mycology, immunologic dermatology. The chair has clinic on 30 beds and 11 clinical bases of St.-Petersburg. A profile of medical work - infectious and not infectious dermatoses, a syphilis and skin mycoses.

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