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Van Doren коренной житель
Не фанат Джесси Ли Питерсона, но пара цитат от Стефана Молинью мне показались весьма интересными:
If there's a huge pile of gold for you to leave your family, then your family seems kind of oppressive. But, of course, if you try leaving your family, and you have to rely on church charity or private charity, then the first thing they're going to ask you: "Why did you leave your family? Why did you leave your husband and your kids?". It'd be like: "Well, I just felt vaguely unsatisfied that Sunday afternoon" and they'd be like: "You get back there. No, come on, I mean, he's not beating you, he's not drunk, he's a good guy. So, you know, we all go through periods of dissatisfactions, that's gonna happen, so back you go!"
But if there are massive amounts of money on the other side, you got your government services, your free health care, your free housing and if you get alimony child support; well, you know, everyone gets bored in their job, but if you get paid more for quitting when you're bored, then you're gonna quit. And so there's a whole structure and support, there's all this money that is luring women out of the family to become wards of the state, and of course in welfare homes, if there's a man around you don't get the welfare. They're actually paying women to make sure that there are no men around. And if this was a weapon of war, this kind of family disintegration, it would be outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
You know I remember that whole question around drugs when I was younger and people say: "You want to try this one! You want to try that!". It's like nope! because either it's not that great, in which case why take the risk? Or, it's fantastic, in which case I don't really want to know because then I'm gonna have the rest of my life chasing it or missing it. And I just don't see, you know, I remember once a woman, I picked up in the gym and we went out for a date, and she said: "Well, I'm actually married, my marriage isn't doing that well, but hey! let's have an affair! You can be my side guy". And I'm like Nope! No, because either I don't care about you that much, in which case the sex isn't gonna be any good, or I do care about you, the sex is good and then I'm tortured that I can't have you. It's like there's no win in that situation at all.