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20.08.18 14:26
О блокчейне из глубин интернета ))
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren

KirinDave: What exactly is the specific use case where Proof of Work blockchain is appropriate?

Consensus in that design is:

1. Perhaps the single most expensive consensus algorithm ever designed.

2. Deliberately one of the slowest.

3. Does not actually provide trustless consensus once 1/3 of the miner nodes decide to collude.

Other than "our data is a merkle tree but you have to trust us to submit transactions to it", and "a currency system with a failed promise to deliver either scale or trustless consensus" what, is the proper application?

Tern: This reads like a rhetorical question – 'what could possibly be the application for something this deliberately bad?' 😂😂


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