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04.03.19 19:40
Re: Всё что Вы хотели знать о сне...
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren

Ещё одно публичное выступление автора:

Далее я буду приводить интересные места из книги:

When the Mahtomedi School District of Minnesota pushed their school start time from 7: 30 to 8: 00 a.m., there was a 60 percent reduction in traffic accidents in drivers sixteen to eighteen years of age.

Teton County in Wyoming enacted an even more dramatic change in school start time, shifting from a 7: 35 a.m. bell to a far more biologically reasonable one of 8: 55 a.m. The result was astonishing— a 70 percent reduction in traffic accidents in sixteen- to eighteen-year-old drivers.


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