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15.01.19 19:57
Re: Кето и диабет
Van Doren коренной житель
Van Doren
в ответ Van Doren 15.01.19 19:28, Последний раз изменено 15.01.19 20:24 (Van Doren)

Maintenance on KD resulted in decreased sensitivity to peripheral insulin and impaired glucose tolerance. Furthermore, consumption of a high-carbohydrate meal in rats that habitually consumed KD induced significantly greater insulin and glucose levels for an extended period of time, as compared with chow-fed controls.These data suggest that maintenance on KD negatively affects glucose homeostasis, an effect that is rapidly reversed upon cessation of the diet.

However, long-term maintenance on a ketogenic diet stimulates the development of NAFLD and systemic glucose intolerance in mice.

Подытоживая: худеть на КД: да, если хочется. Долговременно юзать КД: не стоит.


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